Why is NCERT So Cheap? Unraveling the Cost-Effective Approach of NCERT Solutions for Class 9

NCERT Solutions for class 9

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is a renowned organization responsible for the development of educational resources and curricula in India. NCERT solutions for Class 9 are widely used by students and educators alike. One of the most intriguing aspects of NCERT is its cost-effectiveness, with textbooks and study materials being priced far lower than those offered by private publishers. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind NCERT’s affordability and its impact on the education sector.

1. Government Initiative for Affordable Education

One of the primary reasons why NCERT solutions for Class 9 are so cheap is that the organization operates under the guidance of the Indian government. The government’s main objective is to provide quality education to all, irrespective of socio-economic backgrounds. To achieve this goal, NCERT adopts a cost-effective approach, ensuring that their educational resources remain affordable to the majority of students.

2. Non-profit Nature of NCERT

Unlike many private publishers who are driven by profits, NCERT is a non-profit organization. It is funded by the government, and its primary focus is on fulfilling its educational mandate rather than maximizing revenue. This non-profit nature allows NCERT to keep the costs low while maintaining the quality of its educational materials, including NCERT solutions for Class 9.

3. Bulk Printing and Distribution

NCERT prints textbooks and study materials in bulk quantities. By adopting this strategy, they can significantly reduce the production costs per unit. Bulk printing also allows NCERT to negotiate better deals with printing presses, further contributing to cost savings. Additionally, the organization has a wide distribution network, ensuring that their books reach every corner of the country efficiently.

4. Standardized Curriculum

Another factor that contributes to the cost-effectiveness of NCERT solutions for Class 9 is the standardized curriculum. NCERT is responsible for developing the national curriculum framework, which is followed by all schools affiliated with various educational boards in India. Since the content remains consistent across different states and boards, NCERT can produce a large number of copies for students all over the country, reducing individual printing costs.

5. Limited Use of Color and Illustrations

Comparing NCERT textbooks with those from private publishers, one might notice a significant difference in the use of color and illustrations. While private publishers often use vibrant images and illustrations to make their books visually appealing, NCERT adopts a more minimalist approach. By limiting the use of color and illustrations, NCERT cuts down on production expenses, making the books more affordable.

6. In-house Development and Review

NCERT develops its study materials and textbooks in-house, with the help of experienced educators, subject matter experts, and curriculum specialists. This internal development process ensures that the organization does not have to pay hefty royalties or licensing fees to external authors and content creators. Consequently, the overall cost of production decreases, leading to cheaper NCERT solutions for Class 9.

7. Avoiding Commercialization

Unlike private publishers who often market their textbooks as branded products, NCERT refrains from commercialization. You won’t find advertisements or promotions associated with NCERT solutions for Class 9. This omission of commercial elements further reduces the cost of production and distribution, making the books more affordable for students and schools.

8. Longevity and Reuse of Textbooks

NCERT textbooks have a reputation for being durable and long-lasting. Schools and students tend to use them for several years before updating to the latest editions. This practice of reusing textbooks helps in maximizing the utilization of resources and reduces the frequency of reprints. As a result, NCERT can keep the costs low, benefiting the students and the environment simultaneously.


NCERT’s commitment to providing affordable education to all has made it an indispensable part of the Indian education system. The cost-effectiveness of NCERT solutions for Class 9 can be attributed to the government’s initiative, its non-profit nature, bulk printing, standardized curriculum, minimalist design, in-house development, avoidance of commercialization, and the longevity of its textbooks.

The organization’s remarkable efforts have not only made quality education accessible to a vast population but also set an example for others in the educational publishing sector. By striking a balance between affordability and excellence, NCERT continues to positively impact the lives of millions of students across the country.

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